Code Pyjamas

Code Pyjamas

Code Pyjamas is a UK JavaScript job board.

I built the frontend of this site using Tailwind CSS and Alpine.js. The backend was written by my partner using Go - I worked with and styled the custom Go templates.

I’ve learned all about Go Actions, template variables and functions. For the SEO, I used Google Structured data for jobs and I monitor the site using Google Analytics and Google Search Console.

The site is cached and sits behind CloudFlare which is also good for search position.

In a screenshot below users can view all jobs listed on a home page. Featured jobs include pinned and highlighted jobs are shown on the top, while the rest are ordered by date.

Code Pyhamas home page

Once employers complete a sign in process, they would be directed to a dashboard. They can post a job ad, view jobs and edit jobs.

Employer's dashabord

Frontend tech stack:

Go templates, Tailwind CSS, Alpine.js

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