I Can Now Code

I Can Now Code

I Can Now Code is a list of talented self-taught developers and bootcamp graduates.

As a self-taught developer without a formal degree myself, I’d like to connect with others who share the same journey. Learning alone, even with the help from my partner, could be lonely. It would be nice to hear other people’s journeys. This includes how they overcome obstacles, how they get their first jobs and why they choose to become a developer.

I hope this would inspire others who are on a path to become a developer.

I first created a directory allowing people to signup and create their profiles. They can share github link, portfolio link and Twitter handle.

Here is a list of self-taught devs who have no Computer Science degree.

ICanNowCode home page

Then, I wanted to create a blog interviewing other self-taught developers. I didn’t know anyone so I tweeted asking if anyone wanted to share their stories with me.

Unexpectedly, it received quite a lot of attention!


This project has led me to meet many people from different backgrounds around the web.

Building process

The whole project was built on Firebase. The authentication used Firebase Auth Email Link Authentication. Images and user’s information are stored in Firestore. Everything is connected through Cloud Functions.

The app is using Vue 2 and Vuetify.

[Update June 2022] The project is now offline but I still keep the blog on the link here

Tech Stack:

Vue 2, Vuetify and Firebase.

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